Located half an hour from the hotel, Hormiguero is a must-see site, only recently accessible to the public. These ruins are considered to be one of the best preserved examples of Rio Bec style architecture. Structure 2, at over 150 feet long, is remarkable in its detail. Further back there is a second plaza with a temple adorned with Chac mask corners. If you head to the left, there is another cleared area and often you will find monkeys either there or near Structure 2.
Useful information when you visit the ruins of Hormiguero
Distance of Hormiguero to Rio Bec Dreams: 35 kilometers
Driving time to The Hormiguero site: about 40 minutes
Opening hours of Hormiguero ruins: Regular, 8am to 5pm 7 days a week
Entrance price per person: Free, the road used to be so bad no-one would drive to pick up the money, 7 years ago
Combine a visit to Hormiguero ruins with a visit to: Xpuhil, Becan, and Chicana.